Christmas 2022: Healthy Foods for family this festive period

Festive period foods
Festive period foods christmass 2022

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The festive period is here. Family come together to celebrate and feel happy.  It is very normal for a person to cram additional calories in the wrong places when surrounded by an enticing variety of sweets, snacks, and other decadent foods. However, indulging in these delicious but unhealthy foods can result in unhealthy weight gain.

Keeping an eye on what you consume and how much you consume is essential to make sure you don’t start the new year with extra kilos. For this reason, we share with you tips that can make snacking and eating food this season less unhealthy and more beneficial for your body.


Tips to keep in mind to make festive foods healthy this year:

1. Make sweets at home

Without sweets, celebrations would not be complete. Everybody has a favourite treat they look forward to.  Instead of purchasing confections this year, make your own at home with high-quality ingredients and healthier alternatives. You have more control over the quantity of sugar and fat used while making desserts at home. You may indulge in sweets guilt-free in this way.

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2. Pick healthy snacks

Healthy snacks between meals help keep you full and energetic while also reducing cravings. Snacks provided during parties, card games, or while visitors are present, however, might increase the overall number of calories. Change out the bad snacks for healthier ones that are lower in fat, sugar, and salt.

3. Pick healthier alternatives

You don’t have to give up your favourite foods and desserts if you eat a balanced diet. However keep in mind that food’s main purpose is to fuel your body, not only to enjoy and celebrate. Utilise inventive elements. All that is required is a little substitution.

4. Don’t miss meals to compensate

If you skip meals, you’ll either wind up overeating at your next meal or develop a yearning for fatty, sugary items. Not the best circumstance to celebrate this festive season while staying active and healthy. You can start your morning with a healthy breakfast. A breakfast that is heavy in protein and fibre sets you up for a day of healthy eating. Eat a nutritious snack every two to three hours as a guideline.

5. Eat a salad with each meal

The meals prepared at home over the holiday season are expensive. A good, fresh vegetable salad may be a great way to balance your calorie intake, stop overeating, and increase feelings of fullness. Fresh fruits and vegetables in a bowl of salad are a fantastic source of fibre and beneficial minerals.

Festive Season: How to stay healthy

6. Drink in moderation

Alcohol is a source of empty calories and is known to increase hunger. We are aware that extra calories are stored as fat in the body. Limit yourself to no more than two medium drinks, and choose dry wine rather than sweetened wine. Avoid aerated and sugary beverages at all costs. During the holiday season, choose green tea, detox water, coconut water, and fresh juices and mocktails

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